Enlightened Leadership
This is a nine-month leadership development programme designed for seasoned leaders who want to hone their skills as well as new leaders who want to find their feet.
Understand why and how to galvanise a team around a common purpose
Increase your understanding of self, others and broader human dynamics
Enhance your emotional intelligence, communication and conflict management skills
Grow resilience and manage stress for improved wellbeing and quality of life
Become a leader worth following, growing your influence and trusting your style
Refine your presentation and facilitation skills
Develop enhanced skills as a coach, collaborator and facilitator of change
Gain a clear direction for ongoing personal growth and evolution
Amanda Fleming
Amanda is one of New Zealand’s leading transformational facilitators who typically works directly with companies or via The Icehouse.
Find out more about her here.
Want lasting change? This programme’s for you.
This is your chance to develop the critical 21st century leadership skills that will help you lead more effectively, enhance your influence and grow your team.
Enlightened Leadership is a ‘long soak’ facilitated programme of personal learning for serious players. You should consider it a full time course with part time attendance. It is rich learning and will help you evolve your natural leadership style, aligned with your values and your goals.
Leaders in our 21st century workplace need coaching and facilitation skills, emotional intelligence, rapid rapport building skills, highly effective communication skills as well as to be able to smoothly facilitate changes of plans, manage conflicts as they arise, exercise good judgement and bring wisdom to decision making.
This nine-month leadership development programme will be most beneficial to those who are self-motivated and committed to their own growth and personal development. You will be fully supported throughout to activate your learning and fast track your leadership capability.
See all course details below - plus feedback from former participants - or reserve your place now.
This course is the genuine article and it comes with a no questions asked, money-back guarantee!
What participants say
“Enlightened leadership was the most significant experience that shaped my career” Mark Billington, Business Owner
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to stretch my leadership capability. I loved every minute!”
Anne Moore, Head of Faculty NZMA
"I have watched Amanda perform miracles with our Icehouse owner-managers for years. She has also profoundly assisted me in my own speaking challenges. She’s a warm and wonderful inspiration."
Darl Kolb, Professor - Graduate School of Management, AK Uni Business School
This nine-day programme is run over nine months and should be considered full time within your leadership context.
Face to face sessions are supplemented with digital resources and assignments to support participants’ uptake of the course material and intentional activation of your developing leadership muscles in practice.
You will experience a safe and stimulating learning environment that will give you profound learning that really lasts!
You will become aware of your influence and how to enable others to coalesce around meaningful purpose.
You will learn how to stay motivated and motivating in tough times and intentionally facilitate change even as the world changes around us.
You will develop flexibility, more effective relationship skills and a whole tool box that will enable to you to employ many forms of leadership including coach, collaborator and facilitator of positive change.
Experienced and emerging leaders who can benefit from a range of learning styles to deeply absorb and implement their own authentic leadership style within a context of best practice.
Vision and Values clarification (personal)
Manager vs Leader - what is the difference?
“The Medium is the Message” – the importance of walking the talk
The increasing value of the ‘Be yourself’ factor in 21st C leadership
Emotional Intelligence – a key facet of effective leadership
Serving or ruling? – personal power vs positional power
Depth rapport building – trust as currency
Interpersonal skills and the psychology of human motivation
Self-coaching and the coaching of others
Giving and receiving growth promoting feedback
Managing stress, cultivating mindfulness and increasing productivity
The principles of effective leadership – teams and teamwork
Subtle dynamics of communication – and getting the basics right
Facilitation skills – mission critical for 21stC leaders
Influence patterns - the six shortcuts
Managing and framing for change
Strength and stretch identification – creating development plans
Some of Amanda’s Clients
Enlightened Leadership Programme Details
Day 1: Mon 23rd May
Day 2: Wed 22nd June (Essence of Facilitation Day 1)
Day 3: Thu 23nd June (Essence of Facilitation Day 2)
Day 4: Mon 25th July
Day 5: Mon 22nd Aug
Day 6: Mon 19th Sept
Day 7: Mon 24th Oct
Day 8: Mon 21st Nov
Day 9 - Graduation: Mon 12th Dec
Time: All sessions run 9.30am to 5.30pm
Location: The Business Hive, 120 Thames St, Oamaru 9400
Fee: $3450
Early Bird Special: $2990 (extended to 7 May 2022).
Prices exclude GST. Payment on invoice.