Is it burnout? Is it loneliness? No. It’s a need for respite.

It’s been a week. Our dog is back in a cone and I’m working my butt off – at home! To be honest, it’s starting to feel weirdly familiar and not in a good way…
I feel like I want a conversation that’s not about work, not about our business, not about Waitaki App and definitely not about what anyone else needs me to do for them.
Just the cost of working from home.
Let me explain.
I’m really good at keeping my own company. Most people know me as an extravert but life as a copywriter (my former career) is one of introversion – days spent sitting in your own thoughts and finessing the right words.
Yes, as a copywriter I’d talk to clients - intensely questioning them to fully understand their business, or more lightly (but very specifically) questioning so I could put together an estimate for the job.
Yes, I’d talk to project partners; other copywriters, web developers, graphic designers, printers – discussing what they needed from me and when, or vice versa.
Yes, I’d talk to suppliers – what I needed from them, when it would be available, how much it would cost.
At the literal end of the day, I’d be exhausted from all that intensity and task focus and I bet you know someone just like that. I’d have been juggling the laundry, planning tonight’s dinner and doing some housework partly because it needed to be done and partly because I just needed something a bit easier to do and / or think about.
This week, I’m necessarily focused. We’re launching Waitaki App very soon. I’m doing my best to deliver some digital learning. I’m doing my best to wear my many hats.
On Tuesday afternoon, I popped down to The Business Hive (breaking my dog sitting routine) for a meeting and to see if our place suited an (awesome) local author for his book launch. I had to be there to deliver our Digital Boost programme that evening and the plan was for Alex to scoot home to keep an eye on the pup.
I arrived feeling knackered and somewhat emotional. That was weird.
First thing out of my mouth was oversharing (I do do that anyway but this was in a “she really needs to get out more” kind of way).
First order of business; would we like to donate some space for a community initiative?
There was a discussion about other people’s stuff.
Then the meeting.
Then show author around.
That’s when I clocked it.
Having a cup of coffee and a chat with this author about his story, sharing reminiscences of India, how he started, some thoughts he had about how you set about writing a book and how publishing works... bingo... a conversation that wasn’t about work but rather about something that sparked passion in him... that’s what I’d been missing. Thank you Dr. David Whittet.
I think we all need connection. That’s not about loneliness or not being able to stand your own company. It’s about getting out of our own heads for a bit and finding some relief.
Anyone who works on their own, remotely or in a small team will likely recognise this truth; all work and no play makes Jack or Jill a very blunt tool.
That’s what coworking spaces are designed for. Yes, work. Yes, chatting with colleague-types, client-types and supplier-types. Also yes - getting that respite from spending too long in our own heads.
If you’re working for yourself or remotely, remember that every last Friday of the month is Free-lance Friday at ours. That means you’re welcome to come in and work from The Bank and it won’t cost you a cent. We’re a business that was founded for community and we (especially given my feelings this week) consider Freelance Fridays to be an essential investment in community wellbeing.
We have two more coming up this year, on November 25th and December 16th. So if you find yourself feeling like “you need to get out more”, do it. Pop in, try us out, get some work done and shake out your headspace.
As for Dr. David Whittet, author? Well, he’s written his second novel, ‘The Road to Madhapur’ (the first one, ‘Gang Girl’ was widely acclaimed) and he will be launching it at our place on Tuesday, November 29th. If you’d like to come, you can register here.
Meantime, take care of yourselves out there.