Enlightened Leadership with Amanda Fleming
Introductory sessions
Get your questions answered during one of the two in-person introductory sessions at The Business Hive:
Both evenings run 5:15 – 6:15pm; let us know if you’d like to Zoom in.
Alternatively, you are also very welcome to have a personal chat with Amanda over the phone or via email.
Course dates in 2025:
Day 1: Monday 28th April
Day 2: Monday 19th May
Day 3 and 4: Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th June
Day 5: Monday 28th July
Day 6: Monday 25th August
Day 7: Monday 29th September
Day 8: Monday 20th October
Day 9: Monday 24th November (graduation)
All course days run 9am - 5pm
The Business Hive
120 Thames Street, Oamaru, New Zealand (map)
Here’s what a couple of 2024’s attendees had to say…
The course was incredible, the best course I have attended for as long as I can remember. It was insightful, thought provoking, challenging and humbling. It put you in a position where you were outside your comfort zone and vulnerable – but in a good way. It pushes you to overcome fears and teaches you to control your own destiny with the power of your internal thoughts.
It provided a safe environment to test new skills and receive constructive feedback – it changed the way I perceive work, customers and life as a whole with shaping the way I perceive my surroundings and interactions with others & understanding other points of view. The self-reflection/over analysing of situations on which I would have historically been very self-critical has improved as has my overall confidence and self-respect.
I have undertaken other leadership training and I am going to honestly say, for me personally I have got the most out of this one. I never once looked at the clock nor wanted it to end!

Frequently asked questions
General information about Enlightened Leadership is covered in the brochure above (download the brochure using the black button).
More specific questions can be answered during one of the two in-person introductory sessions at The Business Hive:
Thursday 27th Feb
Monday 24th March
both sessions run from 5:15 to 6:15pm. (Let us know if you’d like to Zoom in).
Alternatively, you are also very welcome to have a personal chat with Amanda over the phone or via email.
You will be invoiced by The Business Hive before the programme starts in April.
Please email Amanda at flyon.aj@xtra.co.nz to discuss the option of a payment plan.
Yes. Amanda is accessible as required between sessions. You will also have access to an online portal for assignments and resources.
Ideally, you plan to attend every session. As we know, Life gets in the way sometimes and if that happens we will find a way to catch you up with your cohort prior to the following session.
Cancellations less than 5 working days ahead of the workshop incur full non-refundable fees although your space is fully transferable. Prior to commencement Amanda will be in touch to ensure you are good to go and to share some light prework assignments.
Nine (monthly) face to face workshop sessions 9am - 5pm plus online resources and assignments which supplement the live sessions.
You can expect a mix of content, discussion, process and guided activity to support all learning styles - in a safe and stimulating environment.
Your cohort serves as a supportive community to enable each other to grow 21st Century skills and capabilities.
All sessions are delivered at The Business Hive - Oamaru’s award winning co-working and event space.
Absolutely! We can recommend many great places to stay - just ask. Note: accommodation and travel costs are not included in your fee.
When you have completed the programme you will have the opportunity to extend your learning by joining the Enlightened Leadership Graduate Alumni.
You know you best. If you feel an impulse to join/not join this programme - trust yourself. Our encouragement will always be ‘BACK YOURSELF’ and if you don’t know how, come and join us on Enlightened Leadership 2025 and find out!